Fair Logistics

Veralog provides transportation service for fairs, congresses, seminars and promotions so that you
can comfortably and confidently focus on sales wherever your event is held; Element Logistic frees
you up to meet with your customers by offering punctual, precise and comprehensive attention to
every step of the process.
It is commonly known that fair logistics is the most complicated logistics service type due to numerous
details and a typically narrow window of time within which to complete the job. Veralog specializes in
integrated fair logistics and offers experience, reliability, service speed, service quality, and customer-
specific solutions in carrying out the following services in your domestic and international fair
• Ensuring the most suitable transport mode (Land, Sea and Air ) for the shipment
• Customs clearance (Turkey and abroad), ata carnet services
• Unloading, loading and delivery service to your stand at the fair area
• Storage and transport services of your empty material,
• Giving the required documents for the Fair Organization Incentive Refund
• Packaging and storage (Turkey and abroad)
• Other logistics services
• Consultancy service at the fair area
We offer Integrated Fair Transportation service that covers all the above processes.