Contract Logistics

We are always by our customers’ side at the every phase of the logistics in parallel with the experience, organization, background, vision and values. In short and long-term shipments for customers, we provide vessels of appropriate quality and number in consideration of the supplies to be transported and duration and impeccably fulfills contracted shipments

• Taking the related products from the production site and planning the international transportation of the products,
• Performing and ending the foreign trade transactions of the products which sta reached the customs efficiently and providing the mid transactions with the warranted vehicles,
• Professional stock tracking, reporting efficiently,
• Stocking the products with the inventory management system and performing the value added operations of the products in accordance with the customer and shipping the products efficiently to the Turkey’s all points with the specific performance indicators and having the access to the data and reports fastly with the customer services department.
• You may examine your supply chain and have your efficiency plan with our contract logistics team

Veralog offers;
• Reduction in customer logistics costs
• Inventory Management
• Optimization of entire supply chain
• Industry knowledge
• Operational cellence
• Reduction in cycle & lead times
• Process nhancement 
• Visibility o total supply chain